Tuesday, 3 July 2012

To create a jar file from the command prompt

Ø  Start Command Prompt.

Ø  Navigate to the folder that holds your class files:
Ø  C:\>cd \mywork
Ø  Set path to include JDK’s bin.  For example:
Ø  C:\mywork> path c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_09\bin;%path%
Ø  Compile your class(es):
Ø  C:\mywork> javac *.java
Ø  Create a manifest file: 
Ø  C:\mywork> echo Main-Class: DanceStudio >manifest.txt
Ø  Create a jar file:
Ø  C:\mywork> jar cvfm DanceStudio.jar manifest.txt *.class
Ø  Test your jar:
Ø  C:\mywork> DanceStudio.jar

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